Thursday, June 18, 2009

Tribute to women in the arts

I have been privileged to be around great artists for a good portion of my life - unfortunately talent does not "rub off!" However, there were two very special women and their daughters - all of them artists - whose work I admire(d) greatly and feel very blessed to have known. Both of the women have passed on - the daughters are still creating. So I wanted to encourage the two daughters to keep creating - your work touches hearts and lives in ways that you may never even know about. I can only pray that I was able to let these women know in some small way how much I admired them and how much they influenced my young life! I would also encourage those of you who are fortunate enough to have women like these in your life, that you will let them know that you appreciate them! So, here is to women in the arts and, most particularly, to Kathy and Becky, the daughters of two very talented artists who are no longer with us, but whose work lives on!


  1. Lovely sentiments, and if Kathy is the one I think it is, she inspires me also.

  2. Thank you for your comment, Marlene. And yes, I am sure it is the same Kathy!
