Friday, May 29, 2009


I was thinking on my way to work this morning how wonderful it is to reflect on how people move in and out of one’s life and what sort of impact each and every one of them has. A few years ago I began writing a letter to each of my siblings and my parents at Christmas time, telling them how much they meant to me. Not mushy, lovey-dovey letters, but rather letters telling them how they had impacted my life. I started with telling my siblings the story of their birth and childhood from my perspective. I was the oldest of four children born to my mother, and I was five years old before my next-in-line sibling was born. As such, I had very distinct recollections about the day each of them was born. So, I told them each their story from the perspective of a 5, 9 and 12 year old big sister. I also told my Dad and stepmom the ways in which they had influenced my life – ways they were not even aware of! And, as I was thinking about friends I have had over the course of years and how they had made a difference in my life, I thought it would be good to tell them the story of how they influenced my life…… that will be my goal. Those “old” friends that I can find and those who are in my life now will soon hear from me! I encourage everyone to let the people in your life know how important they are to you! Tell the story...............

1 comment:

  1. Oh, what a wonderful thing to do!

    Yes, dear friend, every December 17th I have thought of you and all the fun we had *mumble*mumble* years ago - how we were friends and kindred spirits back then. Now, I am so delighted that we are reconnected and more than friends. It is a joy to be sisters in the Lord as well!

    and a good thing, too - we're too old to get into that much mischief anymore! hmmmm - and maybe much smarter because of Him *winks* LOL!
