Saturday, September 5, 2009


This has been a wonderful day! We have had some rain here in the Valley of the Sun these last couple of days, so this morning I got up early and went to check to make sure no damage was done in the garden after the heavy winds. All is well – nothing was uprooted or pounded into the ground. The sunflowers are going to seed, the morning glories are blooming and the pumpkins are just peeking through the soil (I got them in a little late, but I think they will do fine). Then I began prepping for my weekend cooking-for-the-freezer fest while sipping a delicious cup of coffee and enjoying having my doors and windows open for the first time in ages – a nice breeze was flowing through the house and for a change it was not dust-laden. We left around 9:00 a.m. and drove smack dab into a gully washer! It was wonderful!! Well, it was until we got within a couple of blocks of our destination and the road was closed – but fortunately my husband knows the Valley like the back of his hand and wound us around through some old neighborhoods (my how things have changed in that area!) until we arrived at our destination. We got soaked getting from the car to the entrance of the warehouse and even more soaked, if possible, getting back to the car with our purchase. Yes, I suppose we could have turned around and gone home to wait until the rain passed, but what fun is that?? It was quite the adventure and we loved every minute of it. God has blessed our Valley with some much needed rain and it is supposed to continue through the long weekend and I plan to enjoy it while it lasts! I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend – and take my advice – grab your adventures where you can and enjoy them to the fullest!


  1. Thank you for reminding me that you can have a great adventure even when your first instinct is not one of a good time. Here in Oregon it is hard to remember that rain can be fun since we have a lot. Growing up in Utah I used to love the heavy downpours in the Summer and running out to play in it. Great memories.

  2. Thank you, Marlene! I love Oregon, but must admit that in all the times I have been there it only rained once! I know, I know, I am just lucky, I guess! It is the only place I have stayed where the doorman at the hotel handed out umbrellas as you left the building! What pampering! But that day my co-worker and I slogged through the rain during our lunch hour to get to some of the great shops around our office in Portland. Great memories, indeed!

  3. *laughs* I lived in Auburn, WA for a little bit many years ago. It took quite a while for me to get tired of the rain - lol - and I don't think I would have except the downspout drained right outside our bedroom... After three days of rain pouring through there, I was ready for it to stop! LOL!

    Glad you got some rain - I did, too!
