Saturday, November 7, 2009

Pay It Forward - Blog Giveaway

From here
I will make a handmade gift for the first 3 interested people who comment on this post. I have 365 days to do it in. What it will be and when it will arrive is a total surprise!

The catch is that you must participate as well: you must have a blog and before you leave your comment here, write up a pay it forward post on your blog to keep the fun going. Just cut and paste this one if you like, which I did. *Change the From "here" link above to now link to my blog on your new post.


  1. This sounds like fun! I will let you know when I have my post done =)

  2. All right! *rolls eyes* we all know that I read directions and they go straight through my brain and out somewhere else! LOL! Sorry... I have now created my blog post =) and I am officially posting here =D

    as in correctly!!! Very fun PIF!

    Woohoo *winks* I am number one =)

  3. Woohoo back! Let the PIF begin! Okay, send me your pertinent info (mailing address, etc.) to

  4. Hi there! I don't have a blog (at least not one that I post on!) But I love your idea! Good for you!

    xoxox, Daffy

  5. Hi! A mutual friend at Etsy tipped me off, and here I am! :-) My PIF and long-neglected blog are here:

    Which is now a super-good reason to get back into the blogging! Gotta watch out for my PIFs to wander through. :-) Thanks!!

  6. SoSaje - I am so happy to include you! Please send me your pertinent information (address, etc.) to so that I may start planning what to surprise you with!

  7. Princess Daffy - thank you for the encouragement! If you wish, please send me your pertinent (address, etc.) information to Hey, I figure it's my PIF and I can bend the rules if I want! As Kathy will tell you, I never was one to strictly adhere to the rules!! HA!

  8. Aaargh, what happened to the avatars?! First mine didn't show up, and now I don't see anyone's pics below my original post. Anyone?! Sigh ... sorry to warp your page! I'll email with info though. Too fun! :-) Thanks!

  9. ROFLOL! SoSaje - very funny - computerland must be hungry today!

    Tehe - Daffy - totally true *winks* And I see, Karin ~ some other things have not changed over the years! *laughs*

    Happy PIF-ing =)

  10. SoSaje - don't worry about the avatars - I have noticed this on several blogs these last few days. Kathy, you know very well that "we don't need no stinkin' rules!" heehee
